Inclusive Hiring Resources for Employers

Autism Employment Network / Inclusive Hiring Resources for Employers

Employer Training & Certification

Employer Network Enrollment Process

Training & Certification

The first step for successful workplace integration for employers and autistic employees is education and understanding. Employers need information; autistic job seekers need to know the workplace is inclusive.

Neurodiverse Hiring Support

Successful hiring is about matching candidates to jobs based on interests, skills, and abilities. The same is true when selecting from a neurodiverse talent pool. Our process helps eliminate barriers that may keep qualified candidates from openings without compromising the needs of the position.

Employee Coaching

True coaching is defined as partnering in a process that inspires a person to maximize their personal and professional potential. We work with individuals on the spectrum and their employer to unlock the potential and provide true workplace integration. This may be a new employee we help you hire or a current autistic employee who is looking for coaching.

Membership Engagement

Consulting engagements are tailored to the specific company’s needs. The base level engagement includes training hours which can be divided into multiple sessions, focusing on the following topics:

  • Deconstructing the Stigma of Autism
  • Practical Methods for Engagement
  • Co-worker Engagement, & Acceptance

Also available:

  • Deconstructing the Stigma of Autism
  • Practical Methods for Engagement
  • Co-worker Engagement, & Acceptance

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