Pathways to Independence and Social Inclusion for Neurodivergent Individuals

True coaching can best be described as partnering with individuals in a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires them to maximize their personal and professional potential. The process of coaching often unlocks previously untapped sources of imagination, productivity and leadership. We all have goals we want to reach, challenges we are striving to overcome, and times when we feel stuck. Partnering with a coach can change your life, setting you on a path to greater personal and professional fulfillment.
Credit: International Coaching Federation

We’re applying these same internationally recognized standards of coaching to the work we do with adults and transitional age youth with autism. Our goal is to partner with the individual to help them find their true passion, explore techniques that help with communication and social barriers, and create a pathway to independence and inclusion through employment and social integration. Combining authentic coaching strategies and evidencedbased tools we’re pioneering a new model designed for progress and sustainability. This innovative approach is the backbone of our Autism Coaching CentersTM.

The Autism Employment Network started as a pilot project at Progress City which was founded in 2018 as an organization dedicated to finding innovative solutions to real world problems. We’ve become leaders in the adult autism community focused on empowering adults with autism to live independently through a balanced approach of life skills, coaching, counseling and vocational programs. In 2021 the Autism Employment Network was created as a 501 (c)(3) organization to house many of our autism-focused programs. We’ve assembled a team of autism experts, and over 50% of our staff self-report some form of neurodivergence, including autism.
Community Support
Systematic Skill Development
Behavioral Support
Vocational Programs
Wellness Center
Individual Therapy
Group Therapy
Direct Work Experiences
Assessment and Individualized Strategies
True Workplace Integration Partnerships
Training and Certification for Employers
Social Responsiveness Scale, Second Edition
UCLA PEERS® Curriculum
Over the next decade, as many as 500,000 individuals on the autism spectrum will reach the adult-age. Without innovation for both work-readiness and inclusion, the current employment gap of 85% of adults on the autism spectrum unemployed is likely to remain.
Additionally, traditional Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) services are not providing the extensive amount of job coaching and developmental work experience needed for success and long term sustainability for individuals with autism. Particularly impacted are transition-age youth (18 – 23 years).
Adults with Autism
Report VR Services as Helpful
Neurological differences in how individuals with autism perceive, understand, and react to social situations, combined with communication differences can have negative impacts on relationships and social inclusion. These neurological processing differences often lead to confusion, anger, and pain. We offer various opportunities for individuals looking for coaching in social inclusion and communication techniques from evidenced based tools in both group and individual formats. We have professionals who specialize in Anxiety Support, Parent Support, Mindfulness Groups (MBSR), Narrative Therapy, Trauma Informed Yoga, and Social Inclusion
Autism Coaching Centers are a hub for the community, connecting parents to each other, providing resources and opportunities to grow together, and to offer social events and activities for individuals on the spectrum looking for friendships and connections. We offer drop in classes to build skills, and connection groups for socialization.
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With an unemployment rate of more than 85% among adults diagnosed with autism, we wanted to create a safe place for individuals on the spectrum to gain meaningful workplace experience while preparing for a career in a field of their choosing – SpectroDolce is that place.